Day 15: Heart Changed

40 Days of Baptism of The Holy Spirit June 8, 2023
Audio by Pr. Umuremye Jolay Paul, Revival and Reformation Department, Rwanda Union Mission

A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them. Ezekiel 36:26, 27.

The heart of man may be the abode of the Holy Spirit. The peace of Christ that passes understanding may rest in your soul, and the transforming power of His grace may work in your life, and fit you for the courts of glory. But if brain and nerve and muscle are all employed in the service of self, you are not making God and heaven the first consideration of your life. It is impossible to be weaving the graces of Christ into your character while you are putting all your energies on the side of the world.

You may be successful in heaping up treasure on the earth, for the glory of self; but “where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (Matthew 6:21). Eternal considerations will be made of secondary importance. You may take part in the outward forms of worship, but your service will be an abomination to the God of heaven. You cannot serve God and mammon. You will either yield your
heart and put your will on the side of God, or you will give your energies to the service of the world. God will accept no half-hearted service.

“The light of the body is the eye: therefore, when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light” (Luke 11:34). If the eye is single, if it is directed heavenward, the light of heaven will fill the soul, and earthly things will appear insignificant and uninviting. The purpose of the heart will be changed, and the admonition of Jesus will be heeded. You will lay up your treasure in heaven. Your
thoughts will be fixed upon the great rewards of eternity. All your plans will be made in reference to the future, immortal life.

You will be drawn toward your treasure. You will not study your worldly interest, but in all your pursuits the silent inquiry will be “Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?” (Acts 9:6). — (RH, January 24, 1888).


1. What practical lessons do you get from this lesson?

2. Is your desire to have a changed heart?

3. In what ways can you get your heart changed?


1. For the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
2. For God to bring revival into your life and the church.
3. For the changed hearts
4. For the individuals on your prayer list.
5. For the ECD Evangelistic Impact 2025

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Day 1: The Greatest Need

Day 2: The Greatest Gift

Day 3: Thorough Reformation

Day 4: Heart Searching and Self-examination

Day 5: With One Accord

Day 6: Seeking Harmony

Day 7: Feeling Our Spiritual Need

Day 8: Placing Self Aside

Day 9: Opening the Heart

Day 10: Emptying the Vessel

Day 11: Born Again

Day 12: Part Takers of Divine Nature

Day 13: Clay in the Hands of the Potter

Day 14: Dry Bones Vivified

Day 15: Heart Changed

Day 16: Lips Are Sanctified

Day 17: The Mind Renewed

Day 18: Self Crucified

Day 19: Thoughts Transformed

Day 20: Temper Subdued

Day 21: Revival at Pentecost

Day 22: Unlimited Supply of Missionary Spirit

Day 23: A New Pentecost

Day 24: A Special Bestowal of Spiritual Grace

Day 25: Full Impartation of the Spirit

Day 26: No Specific Time

Day 27: Without Excitement

Day 28: In Unexpected Ways

Day 29: To Unexpected People

Day 30: Often Rejected

Day 31: Beware of Resisting

Day 32: Fear of Witnessing Gone

Day 33: The Greatest Work on Earth

Day 34: The Light of the World

Day 35: The salt of the Earth

Day 36: Ambassadors of Christ

Day 37: Cooperation with Divine Power

Day 38: Laborers Together with God

Day 39: All Members Called to be Missionaries

Day 40: Even Children May Share

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