Day 3 Thorough Reformation

40 Days of Baptism of The Holy Spirit May 30, 2023
Audio by Pr. Umuremye Jolay Paul, Revival and Reformation Department, Rwanda Union Mission

Then make my joy complete by being likeminded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. Philippians 2:2.

The time has come for a thorough reformation to take place. When this reformation begins, the spirit of prayer will actuate every believer and will banish from the church the spirit of discord and strife. Those who have not been living in Christian fellowship will draw close to one another. One member working in the right lines will lead other members to unite with him in making intercession for the revelation of the Holy Spirit. There will be no confusion because all will be in harmony with the mind of the Spirit. The barriers separating believer from believer will be broken down, and God’s servants will speak the same things. The Lord will cooperate with His servants. All will pray understandingly the prayer that Christ taught His servants: “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10).

As I hear of the terrible calamities that from week to week are taking place, I ask myself: What do these things mean? The most awful disasters are following one another in quick succession. How frequently we hear of earthquakes and tornadoes, of destruction by fire and flood, with great loss of life and property! Apparently, these calamities are capricious outbreaks of seemingly disorganized, unregulated forces, but in them, God’s purpose may be read. They are one of the means by which He seeks to arouse men and women to a sense of their danger

The coming of Christ is nearer than when we first believed. The great controversy is nearing its end. The judgments of God are in the land. They speak in solemn warning, saying: “Be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the son of man cometh” (8T252, 252)


1. What practical lessons do you get from this lesson?

2. What specific aspects of your spiritual life that you feel require a thorough reform?

3. How can you reform your ways so as to be right before God?


1. For the baptism of the Holy Spirit
2. For God to bring revival into your life and the church
3. For our willingness to cooperate with God to make reformations in our lives
4. For the individuals on your prayer list
5. For the ECD Evangelistic Impact 2025

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Day 1: The Greatest Need

Day 2: The Greatest Gift

Day 3: Thorough Reformation

Day 4: Heart Searching and Self-examination

Day 5: With One Accord

Day 6: Seeking Harmony

Day 7: Feeling Our Spiritual Need

Day 8: Placing Self Aside

Day 9: Opening the Heart

Day 10: Emptying the Vessel

Day 11: Born Again

Day 12: Part Takers of Divine Nature

Day 13: Clay in the Hands of the Potter

Day 14: Dry Bones Vivified

Day 15: Heart Changed

Day 16: Lips Are Sanctified

Day 17: The Mind Renewed

Day 18: Self Crucified

Day 19: Thoughts Transformed

Day 20: Temper Subdued

Day 21: Revival at Pentecost

Day 22: Unlimited Supply of Missionary Spirit

Day 23: A New Pentecost

Day 24: A Special Bestowal of Spiritual Grace

Day 25: Full Impartation of the Spirit

Day 26: No Specific Time

Day 27: Without Excitement

Day 28: In Unexpected Ways

Day 29: To Unexpected People

Day 30: Often Rejected

Day 31: Beware of Resisting

Day 32: Fear of Witnessing Gone

Day 33: The Greatest Work on Earth

Day 34: The Light of the World

Day 35: The salt of the Earth

Day 36: Ambassadors of Christ

Day 37: Cooperation with Divine Power

Day 38: Laborers Together with God

Day 39: All Members Called to be Missionaries

Day 40: Even Children May Share

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