
The purpose of creating schools was to preach the message of the three angels that we see in Revelation 14:6-9 to commemorate the return of Jesus (Matthew 24:14, 2 Peter 3:11-12).

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6

Praise be to God, you continue to cover us with your wings. Glory is yours forever. Amen.
NERF has 3 campuses:


This School is located in Gatsibo District, Kiramuruzi Sector, Gakoni Cell, Kumana Village. It has the following Level (Ordinary Level or Tronc Commun) and the following Combinations:

  • MEG( Mathematics-Economics and Geography)
    • HEG (History-Economics and Geography)
    • HGL (History –Geography and Literature)
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    Students At Gakani Adventist College (GAC)
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    Students At Gakani Adventist College (GAC)


    This School is located in Gatsibo District, Kiramuruzi Sector, Gakoni Cell, Kumana Village. It started with three level classes back in 1949. Later in 1979, when the orphanage arrived, 6 classrooms were built. ADRA renovated it in 2004, building 15 classrooms, a director’s room and 15 toilets and 2 other teachers’ rooms.

    Gakoni Adventist Primary School has rooms for Kindergarten (Nursery) and 6 years of primary school.

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    Visit at Gakoni Adventist Primary School
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    This school is located in Nyagatare District, Mimuri Sector, Rugari Cell, Amahoro Village. It was started by Seventh Day Adventist Parents in the year 2008 and was built in the Church Land called Mimuri Adventist Development of Education (MADE). In 2011 it was dedicated to the Seventh Day Adventist Church under the name of MAPS (Mimuri Adventist Primary School).

    Mimuri Students
    Graduation Ceremony
    Mimuri Graduation
    Mimuri Graduation 2 edited
    Kindergarten Students graduation

    It consists of kindergarten and primary schools. Among the 456 institutions that make up the Nyagatare region, the MAPS institution ranks 2nd in success.