
The Youth department at NERF has been a strength of the church in various areas of ministry. In evangelism, since the year 2019, the youth department has done mountain tours, friendship tours and other charitable activities in the direction of evangelism such as welcoming the needy, visiting the sick in the hospital and providing them with food and other assistance. ‘primary

In the development of the church, JA built 7 dormitories for the elders of the province. He played an important role in the construction of Field Staff Accommodations (6 Houses) and also started three classrooms at MIMURI Adventist Primary School from basic to nursery

The youth department at NERF covers all levels of the church from the grassroots church to the Field. We have development group schools at each church. Many retreats and camps were held followed by the promotion of Youths (divisions) and the recruitment of new ones.

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NERF has the following Master Guides: 823

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Young Adults

NERF has 1654 Young Adults

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NERF Ambassadors: 1487

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NERF includes Pathfinders: 3050

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NERF Adventurers: 2310

These numbers are those of the contractors and are available in stock.


We want each group to appear at each church in its own way, learning and working. Build yourself spiritually, mentally and physically. We want the youth to be an example to those around them, to be useful to the church and the country, not by words but by everyone.

Recent activities

Youth Camp 2023: World Pathfinder Day

This was an extraordinary day attended by the camp participants, believers from Nyagatare district,…


921 Youth Unite: Youth Camp in Nyagatare

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 2…
