So that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.” Then, you will shine among them like stars in the sky. Philippians 2:15.
Transformation of character is to be the testimony to the world of the indwelling love of Christ. The Lord expects His people to show that the redeeming power of grace can work upon the faulty character and cause it to develop in symmetry and abundant fruitfulness.
But in order for us to fulfill God’s purpose, there is preparatory work to be done. The Lord bids us empty our hearts of the selfishness which is the root of alienation. He longs to pour upon us His Holy Spirit in rich measure, and He bids us clear the way by self renunciation. When the self is surrendered to God, our eyes will be opened to see the stumbling stones which our un-Christlikeness has placed in the way of others. All these God bids us remove. He says: “Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed” (James 5:16). Then we may have the assurance that David had when, after confession of his sin, he prayed: “Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation and uphold me with thy free spirit. Then will I teach transgressors thy ways; and sinners shall be converted unto thee” (Psalm 51:12, 13).
When the grace of God reigns within, the soul will be surrounded by an atmosphere of faith and courage, and Christlike love, an atmosphere invigorating the spiritual life of all who inhale it… Everyone who is a partaker of Christ’s pardoning love, everyone who has been enlightened by the Spirit of God and converted to the truth, will feel that for these precious blessings, he owes a debt to
every soul with whom he comes in contact. Those who are humble in the heart the Lord will use to reach souls whom the ordained ministers cannot approach. They will be moved to speak words that reveal the saving grace of Christ. — (6T43)
1. What practical lessons do you get from this lesson?
2. How willing are you to open your heart for the working of the Holy Spirit?
3. I there something in your daily life that you are to be blamed for?
1. For the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
2. For God to bring revival into your life and the church.
3. For God to open our hearts for the reception of the Holy Spirit
4. For the individuals on your prayer list.
5. For the ECD Evangelistic Impact 2025
Day 4: Heart Searching and Self-examination
Day 7: Feeling Our Spiritual Need
Day 10: Emptying the Vessel
Day 12: Part Takers of Divine Nature
Day 13: Clay in the Hands of the Potter
Day 17: The Mind Renewed
Day 18: Self Crucified
Day 19: Thoughts Transformed
Day 20: Temper Subdued
Day 21: Revival at Pentecost
Day 22: Unlimited Supply of Missionary Spirit
Day 23: A New Pentecost
Day 24: A Special Bestowal of Spiritual Grace
Day 25: Full Impartation of the Spirit
Day 26: No Specific Time
Day 27: Without Excitement
Day 28: In Unexpected Ways
Day 29: To Unexpected People
Day 30: Often Rejected
Day 31: Beware of Resisting
Day 32: Fear of Witnessing Gone
Day 33: The Greatest Work on Earth
Day 34: The Light of the World
Day 35: The salt of the Earth
Day 36: Ambassadors of Christ
Day 37: Cooperation with Divine Power
Day 38: Laborers Together with God
Day 39: All Members Called to be Missionaries
Day 40: Even Children May Share